
Le infrastrutture di ricerca (IR) sono strutture, risorse e servizi che la comunità scientifica utilizza per attività di ricerca d'eccellenza e innovazione. Rientrano tra le infrastrutture di ricerca sia grandi attrezzature scientifiche che risorse quali collezioni, archivi, banche dati, ma anche infrastrutture virtuali (c.d. e-infrastructures) di dati, di calcolo, di comunicazione. Le infrastrutture possono quindi essere localizzate in un unico luogo, essere distribuite o virtuali.
Il ruolo delle infrastrutture di ricerca è assolutamente centrale per consentire nuove scoperte scientifiche e tecnologiche, esse sono polo d'attrazione per la comunità scientifica internazionale, cruciali nella formazione dei giovani ricercatori e centri che favoriscono innovazione e trasferimento tecnologico.
Lo European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) è stato istituito nel 2002 dal Consiglio Europeo col mandato di sostenere un approccio coerente e strategico per l'elaborazione delle politiche sulle infrastrutture di ricerca in Europa e per facilitare le iniziative multilaterali che portino a un migliore utilizzo e sviluppo delle stesse, sia a livello europeo che internazionale.
Consultare l'ESFRI Research Infrastructures Portfolio Map per un quadro delle IR attualmente operanti in Italia.

BBMRI Italy è il nodo nazionale italiano dell' Infrastruttura di Ricerca Europea delle Biobanche e delle Risorse BioMolecolari (BBMRI-ERIC). All'infrastruttura contribuiscono istituzioni di ricerca, quali l’ISS, il CNR, svariate IRCCS), Università, Aziende Ospedaliere, ricercatori e gruppi di ricerca universitari e del CNR. Inoltre, un network di stakeholders, che include associazioni di pazienti e di volontariato in Oncologia, aziende in ambito biomedico e biotecnologico e associazioni scientifiche, supporta e collabora con il nodo per definire obiettivi e fornire expertise. è una infrastruttura distribuita in tutto il territorio nazionale che include Biobanche, Centri di risorse Biologiche e Collezioni collocati in diverse regioni italiane e tre Common Services (CS Gestione della qualità, CS Information Technology, CS ELSI per le questioni etiche, legali e sociali).


EATRIS (European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine) is the European infrastructure for translational medicine, bringing together resources and services for research communities to translate scientific discoveries into benefits for patients.
EATRIS is a non-profit organisation that provides access to a vast array of expertise and facilities from over 150 top-tier academic centres across Europe.
Italy has 22 institutions in the EATRIS network and institutes participating in all 5 platforms: Biomarkers, ATMP & Biological, Imaging & Tracing, Small Molecules and Vaccines.


EBRAINS EU provides a digital research infrastructure that accelerates collaborative brain research between leading organizations and researchers across the fields of neuroscience, brain health, and brain-related technologies.
EBRAINS EU acts as a central hub that coordinates a pan-European network of services that are delivered through National Nodes.
EBRAINS-Italy is a new digital research infrastructure, gathering an extensive range of data and tools for brain-related research and directly linked to EBRAINS EU. The Italian EBRAINS node provides access to various facility hubs providing the electrophysiological, molecular, imaging, and computational tools that allow users to:
Characterise brain architecture - Implement large datasets - Analyse brain functions and dysfunctions - Integrate this knowledge into multilevel computational models.


ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) è un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro che collega partner scientifici e reti in tutta Europa per facilitare la ricerca clinica multinazionale. Fornisce consulenza a sponsor e ricercatori, servizi di gestione e strumenti per superare criticità durante lo sviluppo di studi clinici internazionali  di alto impatto scientifico, rafforzando un clima collaborativo.
L'Italia, in quanto membro di ECRIN, attraverso la sua rete nazionale, ItaCRIN (Italian Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) coordinata dall'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, raggruppa 15 Organizzazioni per la ricerca clinica e Unità di sperimentazione clinica, e offre ai clinici e ai ricercatori italiani l'opportunità di coordinare progetti internazionali o di parteciparvi. La possibilità di unirsi alla ricerca clinica multinazionale è fondamentale sia a livello europeo che nazionale per il progresso scientifico dei singoli paesi e dell'Europa nel suo complesso, soprattutto nelle aree di ricerca che possono trarre maggiori benefici dalle collaborazioni internazionali (malattie rare, oncologia, neurologia, malattie cardiovascolari, malattie infettive).


ELIXIR is a European life sciences infrastructure, bringing together scientists from 21 countries and over 250 research institutes. It enable researchers to access and analyse life science data, to improve the value and impact of life science research on public health, the environment and the economy.
The Italian Node of ELIXIR is coordinated by the National Research Council and currently includes 30 partners including research institutes, universities and technological institutions.
ELIXIR-IT, which has the ambition to raise an Italian Infrastructure for Bioinformatics (IIB) distributed across multiple centers, aims to bring together all the Italian researchers working in the field of bioinformatics, encouraging the exchange and development of skills,  integrating the various Italian bioinformatics resources that share international scientific recognition and are publicly available, and to contribute to their integration within the European infrastructure.


The European Mouse Mutant Archive – EMMA is the INFRAFRONTIER's non-profit repository for the collection, archiving (via cryopreservation) and distribution of relevant mutant mouse and rat strains essential for basic biomedical research. The laboratory mouse is the most important mammalian model for studying genetic and multi-factorial diseases in human beings. The comprehensive physical and data resources of EMMA support basic biomedical and preclinical research, and the available research tools and mouse/rat models of human disease offer the opportunity to develop a better understanding of molecular disease mechanisms and may provide the foundation for the development of diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic strategies. EMMA is a founding member of the Federation of International Mouse Resources (FIMRe).


Euro-BioImaging is a state-of-the-art research infrastructure established in November 2019 to provide world-class biological and biomedical imaging services to life science researchers across Europe.
Euro-BioImaging offers open access to biological and biomedical imaging technologies, training and data services across 41 Nodes, comprised of 237 facilities, in 18 countries and the EMBL.
The Multi Modal Molecular Imaging (MMMI) Italian Node, coordinated by University of Torino, comprises 8 research centers, each with its own specialties, located in 4 Italian cities (Turin, Milan, Naples, and Pisa). CNR involved institutes: IBB, IBSBC, IFC
The Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM) Italian Node, coordinated by CNR-IBBC, is a large multi-modal and multi-sited node that comprises five imaging facilities located in Naples, Genoa, Padua, Florence and Milan.


INFRAFRONTIER is the European Research Infrastructure for Modelling Human Diseases.
In the INFRAFRONTIER consortium, more than 20 leading biomedical research institutes in 15 countries join forces to investigate the link between gene function and human diseases by the use of model organisms.
INFRAFRONTIER cooperates widely on the European and international level to enhance biomedical research.
The Core Services of INFRAFRONTIER:
Develop, Phenotype, Archive, Distribute
Additional Resources that INFRAFRONTIER offers to the Life Science Community:
Special Scientific Services, Training & Events, Conferences & Meetings


Instruct-ERIC is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure making high-end technologies and methods in structural biology available to users. Our aim is to promote innovation in biomedical science and operates on a non-economic basis within the scope of the ERIC Regulation.
Instruct-ERIC is comprised of 17 Member Countries and Organisations: Belgium, Czech Republic, EMBL, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom.
Instruct-ERIC provides open access to cutting edge structural biology, specifically supporting research that uses integrated approaches and technologies.