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Inizio:  venerdì 13 marzo 2015 - Fine:  lunedì 13 aprile 2015
Titolo:  CNR-DSB Progetto Bandiera "InterOmics" - Valutazione conclusiva

Si è conclusa la valutazione delle proposte di progetto pervenute.

Valutata la quantità e qualità dei progetti presentati, il Progetto Bandiera InterOmics ha deciso di aumentare il finanziamento previsto nel bando, sono stati quindi ammessi 21 progetti, i cui Responsabili sono di seguito elencati.


Comparative Analyses of gammaH2AX and Gene Expression Profiles in Response to Replicative Stress (CoGERe) Giuseppe Biamonti
Methyl"omics": a tool to investigate the epigenetics of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) (MethiPS) Ida Biunno
Human Macrophage MEmory: role in tissue antitumour surveillance (MAME) Diana Boraschi
Omics approaches for the characterization of novel glioma therapies (GLIOMICS) Matteo Caleo
miRNome analysis and functional studies of cancer cell-released exosomes in experimentals models of glioblastoma (ExomiR) Igea D'Agnano
Characterization of gene networks connecting pancreas organogenesis and onsetof pancreatic tumor development (ProPaGa) Mario De Felice
Interactomic Study of the Tumor Associated Protein Carbonic Anhydrase IX (ISTAPCA) Giuseppina De Simone
Chrontatin signature of dilated cardiomyopathy due to Lamin A/C mutations: a conrprehensive study through next generation sequencing approaches and iPSC technology (CARDIOLAMINOMICS) Elisa Di Pasquale
Metabolomics identification of prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma (META-LIver) Amalia Gastaldelli
Analyis of HLA Ribonome in Celiac Disease in Relation to the Anti-Gluten Immune Response (RiCeDi) Carmela Gianfrani
Regulatory nodes in mitosis; a systems analysis of importin beta interactors in mitotic cells (IBISA) Patrizia Lavia
A COmputational approach for the identification of the Secondary Mechanism of action of drugs: application to Cystic Fibrosis (COSM) Alberto Luini
Proteomics Approaches to the study of Post Traslational Modifications: ubiquitylation and ADP ribosylation relationships (ProTeoMA) Giuseppe Manco
Intercellular and cell-environment signaling in B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: a new therapeutic window and integration with imaging (LANCELOT) Cecilia Marini
AL amyloidosis: proteomic dissection of the mechanisms of proteotoxicity in cultured human fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes (AL Pro) Pierluigi Mauri
A transcriptomic study of the paralysis of the neuromuscular junction followed by regeneration (Transpare) Cesare Montecucco
Omics approaches for understanding the molecular mechanisms in cohesin function and Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) Antonio Musio
Metabolic flux analysis in cells derived from patients with mitochondrial carrier deficiency (MFAxMCD) Luigi Palmieri
Role of ADAR2 deaminase and RNA editing deregulation on differentiated human motor neurons to investigate sporadic ALS onset and progression (ARENA) Ernesto Picardi
Role of Fra-1 and uPAR pro-invasive factors in the control of breast cancer cell secretome and crosstalk with human fibroblasts (FRASEOMICS) Maria Patrizia Stoppelli
Cell cycle regulation of human adult Stem Cells in cancer, aging and chronic diseases Ileana Zucchi


I Responsabili riceveranno quanto prima tutta l'informativa per poter espletare le procedure amministrative ed iniziare l'attività di ricerca.
